
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lessons, Affirmations, and Wandering Thoughts from a First-Time Lone Traveler

1.  Leave Early. Ridiculously Early. You could get all the way to the airport without incident,
misread a sign there, accidentally exit the airport roadway and get dumped back onto a highway...
Well, some simpleton might do something like that.

2.  Get your tipping money ready beforehand: a stack of singles before you leave home. It's
classier than realizing you don't have anything less than a $20.

3.  Toupees really are as bad as you've heard. And no one is fooled, especially when the "hair
color" is shades different from the rest. And it's crooked on the wearer.

4.  The days of dressing nicely for travel seem to have passed us by. Dress for comfort but don't
overdo it. Lady in the "Victoria's Secret" yoga pants and stretchy shirt, plus Louis Vuitton
carry-on, I'm not impressed.

5.  Treat service staff kindly. They just work there and don't need your BS or your delusions of
importance.  *Everyone* is somebody important at his/her company back home...

6.  Asking people for help (from clear airport employees and the like) and admitting that I don't
travel often was my key to getting through. People were willing to help and seemingly gave me good
advice on my options for a variety of things, such as going on standby and navigating the ground-
travel options in a strange city.  It goes without saying, but don't make yourself a target either
when seeking information - be wary of who you ask, and what.

7. About middle-of-the-night hotel evacuations. Yeah, only I would get this kinda thing to happen,
much less on my first business trip. But on the off-chance you get it too, put your important crap
in a little pile on the dresser before retiring. That way, you're not sleep-addled and rushing
around your room trying to remember where your wallet is.

8. Accepting a free in-flight drink from your already-inebriated seatmate is a solid idea, because after your likely hours of flight delays and stress just getting through the airport, it's been earned.

9. Toys for the kids and the hubs - don't forget it. Try to avoid airport shops if possible.

10. People-watching and surreptitious screen-watching can yield hours of amusement.

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